On this podcast, Deacons. Max and Joseph of the Roman Catholic Church, sit/stand and discuss the Christian philosophical and theological traditions. Our hope is to bring you, our audience, to an encounter with the beauty, truth, and goodness, the seeds of the Word, Jesus Christ.

Joey Rolwing

I’m Joey. I’m a seminarian studying for the Roman Catholic Priesthood, which I’m super pumped about. I have a Mom and a Dad, 3 sisters, and a dog named Winston, all of whom I love very much. I enjoy philosophy, theology, Spanish, basketball, exercise, peanut butter, meat, and vegetables. I also enjoy hanging out with friends and family, but I decided not to include that in my list because everyone obviously loves doing those things. I use a stand-up desk in class, which makes me a lot cooler and smarter than Sam and Max. My favorite book of the Bible is John’s Gospel, and my favorite books outside of the Bible include (but are not limited to) A Tale of Two Cities, The Great Divorce, Chance or the Dance, The Last Conversations of St. Theresé, and the Summa Theologiae. I love Logos Podcast, because I love talking about Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, and I love the One who is Himself the Logos who became flesh and dwelt among us (Jn 1:15). Also, Sam and Max are pretty cool. I hope our conversations on this show help you, our listeners, come to know the One who it’s really all about.

Max Gallegos

If you want to know who I am, here is a picture of my face. Now, apply this picture to the sound of my voice which you can hear on the Ep. 2 of Logos where I talk about my life journey in greater detail! God Bless!